DATE:  April 11, 2021

TO:  Dr. James Tucker

You are hereby notified that, in accordance with Article IV Section 3 of the Bylaws of the National Juneteenth Observance Foundation, Inc (NJOF) the Board of Directors has voted to remove you from your position as a member of the Board of Directors of said Corporation and Foundation and strip you of all rights and entitlements.

This action of the NJOF Board of Directors, taken by means of a resolution voted upon at the regular board meeting held on April 1, 2021, effectively removed you from office as of the time of the vote.

Vote #2 James Tucker – Motion made by Steve Williams for Censure of James Tucker. Motion seconded by Shauna Sankey.

At issue: NJOF Bylaws Article IV; Section 3

7 votes in support. 0 Opposed.

Vote #3 James Tucker – Motion made by Amani Terrell for amendment of Censure vote to Removal from Board. Deborah Evans seconded the motion.

At issue: NJOF Bylaws Article IV, Section 3

7 votes in support, 0 Opposed.”

A full copy of the open monthly board meeting minutes is attached to this notice; the original is on file in the NJOF online office of the Corporation. Https://

There is an audio link of the meeting




Acknowledged by:

President Steve Williams

Vice Chair\Secretary Deborah Evans

Treasurer Amani Terrell

NJOF Board Member Opal Lee

NJOF Board Member Betty Sawyer

NJOF Board Member Shauna Sankey

NJOF Board Member Sheri Bailey


Statements Provided by:

Minister Brenda Ward (NJOF Alabama State Director)

Charlotte Carpenter (Mississippi and Nevada Juneteenth)

Jennifer Young (St. Jude’s Women’s Auxiliary, Las Vegas, NV – NJOF Las Vegas )