“Jazz is the Devil’s music!” That’s a common notion in many churches, including many black congregations.
We often teach our young people that there are only two kinds of music: Gospel music and worldly music.
But the Bible teaches us to praise the Lord with all kinds of instruments. Do we dare to pass by an honor God and
touch the lost? Of course not! Jesus said that if we hold back our praise, the rocks take over where we leave off!
Jazz has deep spiritual and aesthetic roots in the black church and in the black tradition in general. It is the only strictly
original form of African-American music. In fact, it is most accurately described as the classical music of the black community.
Noted author W.E. DeBois called it “the most beautiful expression of humsn experience of human experience born this side of the seas.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “This is triumphant music. When life itself offers no order and meaning, the musician creates an order and meaning from the sound of the earth which flow through his instrument.”
The Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians exists to:
* to encourage gifted Christian Jazz musicians to development their God-given potential.
* to inspire Christian jzz musicians to use their music to communicate the Gospel and give praise to God.
* to assist churches and Christian organizations in mobilizing and utilizing the gifts of Christian jazz musicians.
* to educate Christians about the history and aesthetic uniqueness of jazz in order to foster appreciation for all forms of music
as a wonderful gift from God.
* to inspire Christian record companies to promote gifted Christian jazz artists.
* to influence a generation of young musicians for Christ.

toward all men through Jesus Christ. I also choose not to break with the meaningful traditions in black
music because the catalyst and strength of Ameirca’s music continues to come by way of contributions
from the hearts and lives of black people.”
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder & Director
Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D. has coordinated ministry projects with Haman Cross, Crawford Loritts, Elward Ellis,
Danniebelle Hall, Madeline Manning Mims, William & Ruth Bentley, Luis Palau and otehrs. He studied arranging and
composing under Professor Jimmy Cheatham at the University of Wisconsin School of Music. He has worked with the
Sayeed Jamal Quartet, the Alvin Batiste Quartet has been featured at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. He is
the former Chaplin of the African-American Music Caucus (AAMC) of the International Association of Jazz Educators (IAJE)
and Artistic Director of the Mississippi Jazz and Heritage Festival.

Annual F.C.C.J.M.
Christian Jazz Workshop &
Improvisational Praise Service
at the
World Day of Reconciliation & Healing
From the Legacy of Enslavement
Hosted By:

Reconciliation Prayer Service
Thursday, “20th of August,” 12:00noon
1st Africans Landing Marker
Fort Monroe, VA

For Information on the Ministry of the FCCJM Contact:
Rev. Ronald V. Myers, Sr., M.D., Founder & Director
Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians
P.O. Box 269
Belzoni, MS 39038
e-mail: JuneteenthDOC@yahoo.com
web sites: www.Myers Foundation.net
662-392-2016 662-247-1471

A celebration of African-American Classical Music!
Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians
If you’re a musician, the Fellowship can help develop your talent as utilize your gifts.
If you’re a Pastor or church leader, the Fellowship can help you understand and utilize a rich resource for worship and praise.
If you work in the recording industry or the mass media, the Fellowship can put you in touch with talented believers who are eager to serve.
If you’re unacquainted with Jesus Christ, skeptical about Christianity or uncertain about why we consider praise so important, the Fellowship wants you to know:
* God created mankind to have fellowship with Him. We were meant to be His special creation–and that’s why we were made a “little lower than the angels.”1
* Our fellowship with God was broken by our sin. A perfect, sinless God cannot fellowship with sinful people. Since God’s standard of holiness is absolute perfection, not a single person can please God by trying to “be good.”2
* Since sin makes it impossible for us to reach God, God had to reach us. He chose to make a way for our sins to be washed clean, to be put as far from us “as the east is from the west.”3 That way was by sending his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on Calvary’s cross–paying the price for our sins with His own sinless blood. 4
* The Bible says, “To as many as receive Him, God gave the power to become the sons of God.”5 By asking Jesus to forgive our sins, by receiving Him as Lord and giving Him full authority over our life, we can become His children and be guaranteed eternal life in heaven with Him.6
To accept Christ as your Savior, simply pray a simple, sincere prayer like this one:
“Dear Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and have failed to measure up to your standard of holiness. I ask for your forgiveness, and pray that you will come into my heart and make me your child. I want to make you Lord of my life; I want to give you total control and make you my #1 priority. Thank you Lord.”
After making your commitment to Christ, be sure to tell your Pastor or a Christian friend. If this is not possible or practical, call the Fellowship of Creative Christian Jazz Musicians (FCCJM) at 662-247-3364.
Romans 3:21-26 5 John 1:12 6 John 14:6, II Corinthians 5:6-8, Romans 10:9